Posts in Category: Digital Marketing

How to Create Effective Email Marketing Campaigns? – Retail Spokes Blog

email marketing

Through all the social media hype, email has held its ground as one of the most effective online retail marketing channels. According to a survey by the E-Tailing group, 79% of retailers want to increase their spending on email campaigns. Here are some of the things that retailers can do to ensure their emails convey the message and achieve desired results.

Content and Targeting

Content is where most email campaigns fall short. As a customer, very few would like to repeatedly receive just coupons and discount-oriented emails. Most users have anyways gotten used to searching the web for coupons before making a purchase. So, these messages do not offer too much value for the time and energy users would spend reading them. On the other hand, users would show more interest if contextual content can be added to these emails along with a relevant subject line.

via How to Create Effective Email Marketing Campaigns? | Retail Spokes – Online Retail Focused Content Solutions.

Price Consistency Across Channels – Absolutely Important! – Retail Spokes Blog

Price Consistency

I recently got my hands around a report from Forrester Analyst Sucharita Mulpuru titled “Higher Prices In Your Stores: OK Or Not? How Consumers React When Store And Web Prices For An Item Differ”.

In today’s socio-economic environment, it is common sense that shoppers are increasingly frugal and aware of their options when it comes to opening up their wallets. Retailers understand this trend and have come to realize that this is not a recession specific phenomenon. We may be out of recession, but shopper attitudes have not changed. Almost everyone shops around and compares prices across different channels. This has led to a rush towards consistent multi-channel experience.

But, this Forrester report paints a completely different picture. It suggests that having different prices across channels is not an issue, and retailers should rather focus on things that are more important!?!?

via Price Consistency Across Channels – Absolutely Important! | Retail Spokes – Online Retail Focused Content Solutions.

Facebook – Pro-User Claims and Reality – Retail Spokes Blog

Facebook Privacy

When Facebook executives talk about user privacy issues and control over content, it is apparent that user’s interests are their top priority. But, it turns out their actions are nowhere near public statements that they make. After massively faltering with Beacon, it seems Facebook has learned the art of deception. They have learned that an average user wouldn’t care about their practices as long as they can avoid negative buzz. They effectively do this by consistently claiming they are pro-user. An average Facebook user is sold on those ‘void’ claims.

I would highlight 3 changes that are already in effect, or are in the pipeline that show Facebook’s actual intentions:

via Facebook – Pro-User Claims and Reality | Retail Spokes – Online Retail Focused Content Solutions.

Top 5 Facebook Pages Series (Brands) – Retail Spokes Blog

Top 5 Facebook Pages Series - Brands

Along with good design and layout, it is important for brand pages to have great content that drives conversations and social interactions. Unlike retailers, most brands do not offer any coupons or promotions making it even more important to have quality content. I have come across hundreds of Facebook pages, but these 5 brands stand out for excellent design, engaging content, and social features that draw millions of Likes.

via Top 5 Facebook Pages Series – Brands | Retail Spokes – Online Retail Focused Content Solutions.

Top 5 Facebook Pages Series (Retailers) – Retail Spokes Blog

Social Media - Facebook Pages - eCommerce

There is no denying the fact that social media has quickly become a top priority for most marketers. According to eMarketer, four in five US businesses with at least 100 employees will take part in social media marketing in 2011. According to the same report, social media ranked third among areas marketers planned to focus their online marketing budget in 2011, after search and their own website.

As the stakes get higher, it has become increasingly important to effectively measure ROI. But, social media ROI measurement is still in its infancy. Very few marketers are successful in determining the true ROI from this channel. But, regardless of ROI conundrum, no marketer can afford to sit on the fence and wait until it’s too late. You have to get your feet wet and understand how this channel works. This takes time and there is no silver bullet that will make your social media campaigns successful overnight. Your social marketing needs and objectives are unique and they require a custom approach that can only be developed over a period of time.

via Top 5 Facebook Pages Series – Retailers | Retail Spokes – Online Retail Focused Content Solutions.

Facebook eCommerce Solutions – Retail Spokes Blog

Facebook eCommerce Solutions | Retail Spokes

In the retail world, there is a lot of hype about Facebook integration. Social media marketing, in general, has become an essential component of the marketing mix for most eCommerce marketers. But, are there any good Facebook eCommerce solutions available to serve that need? I was asked this question by a friend who runs a small eCommerce operation selling musical instruments. I thought I’ll provide a list of solutions I’ve recently come across in this blog. These are listed in no specific order.

via Facebook eCommerce Solutions | Retail Spokes – Online Retail Focused Content Solutions.

Bing’s Content Dilemma – Retail Spokes Blog

Bing’s Content Dilemma | Retail Spokes

As shoppers become skilled at online shopping, eCommerce sites have to find new ways to keep them interested in their offerings. Any initiative to solve that puzzle starts with content, and effective experiences can only be created with integrated analytics. Understanding user’s context and deriving intelligence from actions is an integral part of the mix. Here are some benefits of content enrichment when combined with analytics:

via Bing’s Content Dilemma | Retail Spokes – Online Retail Focused Content Solutions.

E-Commerce: Is It a Good Practice To Require The User To Login In Order To See The Product Price? – Posted On Quora

It is not a good idea. Extra click/login can turn away shoppers unless they are so hooked on and are convinced that there is a substantial incentive to login. This happens rarely (mostly with bigger players).



via (60) E-Commerce: Is it a good practice to require the user to login in order to see the product price? – Quora.

E-Commerce: What’s a Typical Conversion Rate For Online Retailers? – Posted On Quora

One of the factors determining conversion rates is the kind of products sold on the site. The average across product segments is around 2-3%, but can be as high as 30% for some segments. Some example product segments that get high conversion rates – Flowers, Office products, Tickets and Custom/Niche Apparel. Also, catalog retailers and home shopping networks tend to have higher online conversion rates.

Sites like,, and consistently rank high on conversion rates. Amazon and eBay in general rank among top 5 in almost all segments.



via (60) E-Commerce: What’s a typical conversion rate for online retailers? – Quora.

Who Are The Leaders In Browse-Driven e-Commerce? – Posted On Quora

I assume browse-driven means direct traffic and question is around sites that actually make sales (and not other eCommerce sites such as Shopping Comparion engines, Coupon sites, and such)

It is Amazon and eBay. eBay was the front runner for a long time until Amazon (unique visitors) took over. After these pure play retailers, there are many brick & mortar chains such as Walmart, Target, Sears and Best Buy.

Flash sales sites (Gilt, Rue La La, et. al) and group buying sites such as Groupon are catching up.


direct traffic

via (60) Who are the leaders in browse-driven e-commerce? – Quora.